Extended Family Guide: Original Household

Now that there are so many kids in the game, I know that it’s getting hard to keep track of who is related to who, especially since my sims think this is a soap opera and keep procreating with people who aren’t their partners. ;; I actually created a chart for myself to refer to, but I thought it would be helpful to create some visual family relationship guides for you to refer to. I’m going to do it by household, and they will be something else that I link to in every update and keep updating as the kids get older.

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First up is the original household! The kids currently here are Scarlett Hill and Darien and Rocky Royal.

Darien and Rocky Royal



Their parents are Jaxson Hill, one of the original save’s townies, and Leia Royal, one of the original settlers.



Through Jaxson they have three half brothers: Moses Hill, Elliott Redmond and Malcolm Seagraves.



Lancelot is Leia’s brother and therefore Darien and Rocky’s uncle, so his children are their cousins. (Left to right: Ginny, Isaac, and Nina Redmond)



Scarlett Hill

scarlett teen

Scarlett is Moses’s daughter with his first wife, Maaike Haas.

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